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Prijevoz i trgovina
Mladen Hošnjak


Transports completed in 2022.




Years of experience


Reliable employees

About us

The company "Prijevoz i trgovina Mladen Hošnjak" was founded by Mladen Hošnjak, when he had bought his first truck in 2004. Today, the company counts more than 50 employees and more than 40 heavy goods vehicles. Since the early days, we have put emphasis on accuracy and professionalism in providing our services. Clients recognize our friendliness, approachability as well as fast and effective problem-solving skills. Our extensive experience and skilled employees guarantee reliable and safe job completion within agreed deadlines.


We offer domestic, as well as international transport. Shipments can be complete or groupage. We also offer transport of deep-frozen goods with refrigerated trailers, bulk goods with self-unloading trailers and transport of volume goods.

GPS Tracking

All our vehicles are equipped with WebEye GPS tracking units. At any time we have an insight regarding where our clients' goods are located and that info can easily be shared if or when needed.

Credit rating

Our credit rating AA+ awarded by CompanyWall business is a strong indicator of a successful business and guarantees that our company is reliable and stable for cooperation. You can read more about CompanyWalls credit ratings here.



Certificates are proof of professionalism and quality of our services. SGS is with its international network of offices and accreditations from well-known accreditation institutions, the world's leading certification institution. You can read more about SGS certificates here.


Football gathering 2019.

10 years of service for Slavko Bogadek - 2018.

10 years of service for Franjo Pakši - 2022.

10 years of service for Robert Strelec - 2016.

10 years of service for Franjo Košutar - 2019.

Our office space

10 years of service for Ivan Talan and Velmir Kamberović - 2017.

End-of-year celebration - 2019.

10 years of service for Robert Pšak - 2019.

Where do we drive?

We offer domestic, as well as international transport.
Countries in which we operate are Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Czechia, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden.

Contact us

Additional info

Prijevoz i trgovina Mladen Hošnjak

Varaždinska ulica 241, 42209 Sračinec

OIB: 11723738409

UID: HR11723738409

MB: 92358900

Bank account: Zagrebačka banka d.d.

IBAN: HR0223600001101787832



Address: Varaždinska ulica 241,
42209 Sračinec, Croatia

Working hours: Mon-Fri, 08:00 - 17:00